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Feb. 16, 2024

Freedom Friday: Are You Multi-Tasking OR Multi-Mastering?

Freedom Friday: Are You Multi-Tasking OR Multi-Mastering?

Feeling stretched thin by trying to excel at everything? Join us as we share insights and strategies for focusing on what really matters. Our latest Freedom Friday episode is an invitation to break free from the conventional chains of multitasking and to find liberation in mastering the skills that resonate with our soul's calling. We delve into the importance of honing one single skill and the profound sense of freedom that follows. Listen and be encouraged to continue the journey of unlearning with us. We’re eager to hear your thoughts on this enlightening topic, so connect with us on social media and share your own experiences of finding freedom in focused mastery.


00:11 - Unlearning Multitasking and Mastering Freedom

09:42 - Managing Tasks and Unlearning for Freedom

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome once again to the unlearned podcast. I am your host, ruth Abigail, aka RA, and this is once again Freedom Friday, where me, ora, friend me and a friend of mine come and share something we've unlearned recently and how it has made us just a little bit more free. So y'all, like, my unlearning game has been on 10 this week and I'm really grateful because, like I can say for real, like I've gotten free in some areas and so I want to share a couple of things that I have unlearned here in the last couple of days. So yesterday I think was yesterday by the time you hear this would be like two days ago, right I posted something on Facebook that actually I wrote. So, like I keep a list of just things that come to my head and I write them down. Y'all probably do that too, right? But I keep a list of different things and I write them down and some things I might put out there in the world and some things I don't write. Well, I was kind of scrolling back and I saw it and I was thinking I'll put this out in the world and see what happens. So I made this post on Facebook and I'm going to read the post because I don't want to get it wrong. I'm going to read it real quick, I bet. So multitasking is possible. Mastering is not. So stop feeling guilty about multitasking, it's unavoidable. Just understand that you can only master one thing at a time and, luckily, every task you do doesn't need to be mastered. So for me, the reason that that was freeing is because I'm a task oriented person. If you listened to a couple of episodes ago, I talked about checking the box. I'm a box checker. I like getting things done. It fuels me, it makes me feel like I'm accomplished and productive and that really. But sometimes, like you, can really get into a way of believing that every task is more important than it really is. A lot of tasks are just that. They're tasks or things that you just got to get done. And I have often beat myself up because I've always kind of seen myself, and someone who commented kind of mentioned this phrase which I have seen and other people have actually said to me you know, you're a jack of all trades, master of none, and that is always like you know, kind of like. I don't know if I want to be that, you know like. So, even though multitasking is part of the way I move. I've always kind of felt guilty about that, because it's like, well, I'm not mastering anything Like what am I supposed to be mastering Right? And so there is a reality, though, that the things that are tasked should be tasks, and then the things that deserve to be mastered we have to treat as more than a task, and we can't have the same expectation that they will get finished or accomplish as quickly as a task will Right. They're not the same. You don't multi master. We're not intended to do that, and I was reminded not too long ago this week that of the gifts that we've, we've all been given right In Romans. So in the Bible, it in Romans and second Corinthians, no, I'm sorry. First Corinthians, it talks about gifts that God gives us right, and one of those gifts, for example, right are, well, each one of those gifts you know leadership, mercy I'm not looking at it, so I'm not going to remember them all gift of service. You know all those different gifts, spiritual gifts, gifts that God gives right. The thing that I think is important, in a way, to really begin to decipher between tasks and math, things to master and things to be tested like. What are the gifts? What is the gift you have? What is the God given gift that that you have? Because that's a gift that's worth mastering. That's a gift that's worth mastering. Don't multitask that one. Don't add that into your other list of things to do. Right for me and this is something I've had to, I've had to come to grips with this wasn't always a way I would describe myself, but I believe one of the gifts I have is leadership, and that requires time to master and masters a big word. I'm not sure anybody ever masters leadership, but on the path towards getting better and better and better at it is not a task. Leadership is not a task, not for me and not for those of you who are gifted in leadership. If you gifted in service, right, service is not a task. It is. It is a gift to be mastered and honed because it's what you do. If you have the gift of mercy and empathy, it's not just a task that you do to check off your list. You know that's something that you want to master and take time and hone and grow in. But for those of us who don't have right, maybe don't have a leadership gift, even though all of us can lead and are created to lead and lead in some way. But I mean, I have the leadership gift, maybe I have the gift of service and helps cool. Well then I shouldn't feel bad that I'm not spending as much time learning about leadership. And if the gift that I might be needing to hone is mercy and empathy, because that's really my lane and I know and I care about people in that way, then I don't need to feel bad because I don't. I'm not great at serving and helping when people need help. I am not, you know. I could be honest and say there are just certain gifts I'm not, I don't have, like they're not mine, they're not gifts, they're things I can do, but they're not gifts. And so that the things that I can do and need to do, we all need to have empathy at some point. We all need to, you know, have minds of service at some point we all need to have be willing to help people. Those are things we all need to be doing, but some of us need to spend more time honing it and some of us it can go in our basket of multitasking. I helped someone today. I'm not the best helper, but I did it and that's a good thing, right, and I don't have to feel bad that I'm not great at helping, right, and so that's something that I really need to. I have to unlearn and get free from and I hope you can unlearn and get free from because we feel there's a lot of us that feel guilty for not being good at everything we feel like we have to do. You're never going to be good at everything. That's never going to be a reality. You're never going to be great at everything, but there is at least one thing that you can be great at and it deserves your attention, it deserves your time and it deserves your devotion and your commitment. It deserves that. Everything doesn't deserve that. So don't feel bad or guilty that everything doesn't get that. That is okay, but multitasking doesn't have to be bad. We all have to do multiple things at one time. The question is is your gift on your task list? Is your gift on your task list? Because your gift can't be a task. Your gift needs to be in a different category, needs to be mastered, needs to be spent time on in a different way. Then the other things that you might have to juggle in your life. So that's it. I Hope that that is helpful for someone. It has been helpful for me to be more free as a result of really understanding like I Don't have to spend the time or energy on Everything. Everything doesn't deserve all that energy and that's okay. There are some things that I just need to get done. There's some things that are tasked. There's some things that I can put in my juggle Basket and I'm juggling and I'm juggling, and then there are some things that I absolutely should not juggle and the way to Distinguish that, one way to distinguish that, is asking yourself what am I really gifted in? And if you know you're really gifted in something, don't put that on your task list, don't multitask. That one Manage that one will Stewart. That one will give more time to it. Learn, take time, understanding it, hone it, master that you don't have to master every task. All right, bet. This has been Freedom Friday once again. Let's keep unlearning so that we can live more free and we will be back next week. Thanks, thank you once again for listening to the unlearned podcast. We would love to hear your comments and your feedback about the episode. Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and to let us know what you think we're looking forward to the next time when we are able to Unlearn together to move forward towards freedom. See you then.