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Aug. 16, 2024

Freedom Friday: Refueling Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Freedom Friday: Refueling Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Ever felt like you're running on fumes, both physically and mentally? Join me, Ruth Abigail (RA), on this week's Freedom Friday episode of The UnlearnT Podcast, where I share my recent wake-up call about the importance of nourishing our bodies, minds, and souls. After a summer filled with lots of travel and unhealthy eating, I found myself feeling empty and depleted. This episode is a heartfelt reflection on my journey towards reclaiming my well-being by adopting healthier habits and making time for soul-care, even amidst a busy schedule.


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Hello everybody and welcome once again to the Unlearned Podcast.

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I am your host, ruth Abigail, aka RA, and this is Freedom Friday, where me or a friend of mine come and share something we've unlearned recently and how it has made us just a little bit more free.

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So this is going to be kind of I think it's going to be pretty short and sweet, but I was really I kind of woke up um earlier this week feeling do y'all know that feeling of like when you haven't eaten a lot of vegetables.

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So I, and which I had had that period right.

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So like the summer, we had done a lot of, we had done a lot of traveling, been on the road quite a bit, and when we get on the road, most of us being on the road is driving, excuse me and so we're stopping at gas stations and getting stuff and, like you know, and also one of those trips was with a girls from angel street, and so whenever I'm doing a trip with teenagers, I'm always eating teenage food, which is never healthy, and so I just felt like I had deprived myself of a lot of vegetables specifically.

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And I remember when I got home from kind of that last leg of travel, I was like I just need vegetables, like I need things that are green and healthy.

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I can't do the fried stuff.

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I got to get away from that.

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It's just I'm feeling empty.

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It's a weird feeling, right, like I wasn't hungry.

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I wasn't feeling hungry but I knew I needed to eat, but I was feeling empty.

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Every time I ate the junk I ate Like it wasn't fulfilling anymore and I did not enjoy that.

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And then I started to eat vegetables, getting more nutrients, getting some things I needed, and I started to feel a lot better.

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Right, why am I bringing that up?

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Because, on that same level, I have more recently, probably within that same timeframe, have felt now I won't say emotionally, mentally and spiritually malnourished as well.

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I have felt very emptied, just feeling like I'm running on fumes, feeling like I don't have the right nutrients to really do the things I need to do.

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I'm giving a lot more energy than I'm putting back into myself and the things that I am putting into myself are not of great quality, like it's a lot of junk not necessarily stuff that's going to kill you, but it's not good, like I, I I have found myself lately, um, you know, using a lot of energy, getting a lot of stuff done, I'm moving a lot.

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You know the summer was very packed with activity, which it always is, and you know I've got projects we're doing and just a lot of work stuff, a lot of family stuff, a lot of movement and not a lot of breathing room.

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And so I've realized that my patterns and rhythms have not included nurturing my mind and my soul, and I have felt the ramifications of that.

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One of the things that I think is so important to unlearn and I can't stress it enough and I know we've talked about it on the podcast in earlier episodes, but it is just so crucial, man Like one of the things that we can't forget to do is nourish your mind and your soul Like something we have to unlearn is that you have to unlearn that it is going to be beneficial for you to run on fumes, even though you have a lot to do.

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It's better to stop, get nutrients, get fueled, get the right thing inside of you, get the right thing inside of your mind, the right thing inside of your spirit, even if it means stopping your busyness for a little bit, even if it means you're going to like, okay, yeah, I know you have this deadline coming up.

00:04:22.788 --> 00:04:26.382
Yeah, I know you have this really important meeting that you have.

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Yeah, I know that you know you have kids that have, uh, this, this and this activity that you have to get them to.

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But if you don't stop and give yourself the nutrients that yourself needs to move forward, you'll find yourself running on fumes and running empty and not being any good in the process.

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Our schedules can't dictate our health, and that's not just physical health, it's mental health, it's spiritual health, it's emotional health.

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Your schedule can't dictate your health.

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Your health, a lot of times, is what's going to dictate your schedule, and that's something that I know I've had to unlearn.

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I know a lot of people probably also have to unlearn.

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If you're anything like me, if you're like I'm, I am a person who naturally just moves Like I'm.

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I'm a mover, I'm a go-getter, I like to do multiple things, but a lot of times I allow my schedule to determine how healthy I am, and that backfires more times than not, because I will end up, I will end up depleting myself to a point where it's just a crash, when really I need to allow my health to define my schedule.

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And if I'm not healthy enough to do all the things that are on my calendar.

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I need to stop and get healthy, and so I want to encourage y'all to unlearn that with me, because that's part of what being free is right being free.

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My body, my mind, my soul has to be right in order for me to pursue the things that I want to pursue, and if they're not, then I am becoming a slave to my schedule and I'm becoming a slave to busyness and, in some ways, becoming a slave to success, and that's not freedom.

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That's not freedom, and so we have to unlearn that.

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We have to unlearn that.

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So remember, your schedule does not dictate your health.

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Your health has to dictate your schedule, and when you can allow your health to dictate your schedule, you are operating at another level of freedom that a lot of people around us are not operating in, and so it's something I've had to unlearn, and I got to get back in the rhythm of allowing my health to dictate my schedule and to make sure that I'm pouring into myself more than I'm pouring out of myself.

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That's all I said.

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It was going to be short and sweet.

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I think it was, and so that's it, y'all.

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Thanks again for joining for Freedom Friday.

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Let's keep unlearning together so that we can experience more freedom.

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Let's be sure to like, subscribe and do all the things to share this with people who you think might benefit from it.

00:07:19.314 --> 00:07:22.920
If it's added any value to you, just share it, pass it along.

00:07:22.920 --> 00:07:24.665
We'll see y'all next week Peace.

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Thank you once again for listening to the Unlearned Podcast.

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We would love to hear your comments and your feedback about the episode.

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Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and to let us know what you think.

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We're looking forward to the next time when we are able to unlearn together to move forward towards freedom.

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See you then.