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what's up everybody?
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Welcome once again to the unlearned podcast.
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I am your host, ruth abigail aka ra.
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What's up, friends?
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It's your girl, jaquita yo, and this is the podcast that's helping you gain the courage to change your mind so that you can experience more freedom.
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And uh, yo, uh, okay.
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So, quita, I don't know what y'all see, but I see red.
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Quita says what she's wearing is orange, but we're gonna go with red this dress no no, no, no, no, no no no, okay, this dress is very much clemson orange, okay, as is my lip, all right, but if the camera wants to pull, it's okay, because we're celebrating a very special weekend here today, friends there you go A very special week where very special things have happened.
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Happy Valentine's Day, everybody Happy Valentine's.
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Week For all those who celebrate.
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There you go, you know, and it's not for everybody, and that's okay.
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You know, valentine's Day is not for and uh, everybody doesn't need to celebrate it.
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So if you don't celebrate, that's perfectly fine, but it is, you know, in the america the valentine, or is it the world?
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Is this like an international day?
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pretty sure, this is not an international holiday it's not okay I don't know, this is something the americans okay, okay, sure sure, sure, well, happy, happy valent Valentine's day to the Americans.
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And yeah, happy, happy spend your money, happy, spend your money on chocolate on the boo.
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Okay, ruth Abigail, do you have an interesting Valentine's day story, cause I do.
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Oh I definitely don't go ahead.
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Oh, okay, all right.
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Well, he might not like that I'm telling the story, but I won't mention any names.
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Anyways, worst valentine's day of my life, okay okay, let's go eighth grade.
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Okay, somebody in my math class asked me to be their valentine, who shall remain unnamed, right.
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And then we had a friend who had a birthday really close to valentine, who shall remain unnamed, right.
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And then we had a friend who had a birthday really close to valentine's day and she had a little party and there was a little dance, okay, and everybody was dancing and booed up and I thought I was gonna be booed up and then I wasn't, because my valentine's was booed up with somebody else.
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Oh, oh, okay.
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And then called me the next day to be like hey, you know, I just wanted to tell.
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By the way, call me, it's eighth grade, y'all so.
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And three-way had just came out, three-way was fresh in these streets.
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Okay, called me with, with the, with the homie on the three-way as his, no like yeah, had his.
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Had one of our mutual friends on the phone right, and we're all just sitting there.
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He's like.
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I just wanted to tell you face to face.
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You know that I'm now dating this new girl and you know we weren't dating, but I was just supposed to be the Valentine's.
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I'm now dating this new girl, ruth Abigail.
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You never heard this story.
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I know, but I'm trying to be the audience.
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I'm trying to be the audience, I know, I'm just trying to.
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You know, keep going, keep going, but anyways, and was like, yeah, but you know, the day before Valentine's Day, y'all he's like, yeah, so I'm now dating, I'm now dating this new boo, and so you know she going to be my Valentine's.
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But then the next day in before school with a bag full of all the stuff, he got the new girl and was like, oh, look, I got her a rose and look, I got her a teddy bear.
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And then he said but I didn't forget about you.
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Oh, he said I got something for you too.
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Now I want y'all in the comments to tell me how you would feel about this.
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After he showed me the roses and the bears and the chocolates and all of the things for this other person, he then pulls out that dusty bag of the sweetheart chalk candy Stop.
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Like a huge bag that he got from Walmart that you're supposed to share with the class, stop.
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He then pulls that out and says Happy Valentine's Day, jaquita Dang.
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I just want y'all to put it in the chat.
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How would you feel?
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So, anyways, today we're talking about relationships, yeah.
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Dang, that's crazy that's all right.
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It's all right.
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We're still friends actually, yeah yeah, yeah, really close friends that's beautiful.
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Yeah, you know, I love him.
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That's my brother.
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But again, I won't mention no names, but you know who you are absolutely hysterical.
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You know who you are and you know what you did.
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Wow, and I?
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I never ate not one piece of that candy dang.
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Wow, I looked at it in disdain as is your right, jaquita, as is your right, right, that's it.
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If you ask somebody to be your valentine's, follow through, saints follow through.
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Don't hook up with the person to after valentine's day.
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I'm not the same.
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You sacrifice.
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You know what I'm saying.
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Like, sacrifice it for a day or two, you know what I mean.
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Do it then, but don't do a day before.
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That's a pro tip, it's trifling, it's terrible, okay.
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So, yes, we are talking about relationships and, um what we have unlearned about relationships.
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Now we're talking about relationships and um what we have unlearned about relationships.
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Now we're talking about romantic relationships that we were just discussing that with Valentine's day, or potential ones, but um, uh, but, uh, uh, but it, this is all kinds of relationships, right?
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So, like you know, romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, any kind of relationship, and what we've had to unlearn about these relationships from the kitchen table.
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Again, when we say kitchen table, we talk about, um, how, what you learned growing up from either your family, uh, your community or general society, um, and so that's what we're, that's what we're gonna get.
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And yeah, this is interesting because I think that relationships is always a it's always a hot topic.
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It's, it doesn't matter what time of the season, because we, as humans, are relationship centered, like we thrive off of relationships, so it is always going to be a hot topic for humans and so um, I don't think it's really possible to understand yourself outside of relationships.
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I agree, not fully, like you can know everything about who you are, but until you understand and know how you relate to other people, you don't fully know yourself, I agree, and so I think that we grow and we're healed through relationships.
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Sometimes, we're broken through relationships, but we're also healed through relationships.
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So it's a.
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I think that's why it's so present.
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It's always at the top of our minds because it's the active way that we understand ourselves in the world.
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So with that I'm going to share and I actually shared this on the last Freedom Friday.
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This was kind of the core thing that I was talking about but I had to unlearn that the best type of relationships are easy, um, that the best best type of relationships are easy, um, and that, to your point, uh, queda, um, we don't know ourselves outside of relationships, but part of getting to know ourselves in that, in the context of relationships, that process doesn't unlearning that, that process is meant to be easy to get the best result.
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Um, the best relationships are sanctifying and that, and so you know that is a, that is a religion, religious, churchy word.
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Essentially they're, they make you, um, uh, uh, make you more pure, more right, more refined, right, that's the idea of sanctification, and so the best relationships make you more refined as a person, and being more refined doesn't always feel good.
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In fact it can be, it can be painful, because the process of being refined often requires some level of heat, tension or chipping right, and so that that's that, and so I think I've had to unlearn that.
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Um, you know, we kind of grow up, we've, we've grown up, most of us have grown up in a, in a society where, um, it's, you know you want things, it should, you know it flows.
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Things are easy, you know they just get me, you know what I mean.
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Like they just I just understand we just have all this and it's like that's great and that's that's.
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That's a good thing and that should be a part of the best relationships.
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But I think we've gotten to a point now where if there is, if there's pushback or tension or any kind of like, if there's pushback or tension or any kind of like disagreement, sometimes, even especially today, then it's a perceived like oh, this might not be for me, and I think we have to unlearn that.
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What do you think?
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I think that's really good.
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Don't realize how much how selfish we really are and how self-centered we really are until you give yourself over to that, to the sanctifying process of relationships.
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You know I as a single woman, I am making a lot of decisions that only impact me and so I only have to consider how I feel about it.
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I was telling somebody earlier this week you know I'm in the process of doing it's a lot going on that we'll update you guys on soon.
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There's a lot going on over here in the Ross household of one.
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But I was telling somebody that you know it's only February and God has so much more time in this year to do amazing things and blow our minds.
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And it is easy to make a decision off of your right now and not consider what God may do later.
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And I keep, I keep, I keep experiencing this thing where I'm stressed and worried about something and the Lord tells me I'm not worried.
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That's not my experience and I think a lot of times in relationships you can really get caught up in how you feel and how you're experiencing something and not realize that in a relationship you are having to weigh your feelings, your perspectives, your ideologies against that of someone else's as well, and you, uh, I watched a podcast where it said the two shall become one, and that becoming process that is what is.
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This is the sanctification right here.
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It's where you are rubbing up against me and you're making me better, and I'm rubbing up against you and making you better and we're becoming one.
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And so the becoming is going to require refinement, because me and Ruth Abigail, we have a theme scripture for our friendship.
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It's just who.
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We are All right, and we realize that we're two very different people who, if we don't, if we didn't learn the art of sanctification in our friendship, we would not be friends.
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Like we both would have went in opposite directions If we, if we didn't both give in and concede to the fact that Ruth Abigail is going to make me better because she's going to point out things that I don't naturally look at and that I don't want to pay attention to, things that I don't naturally look at and that I don't want to pay attention to and that I don't always think is as important as she does.
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If I don't give into that, I'm going to walk away from this friendship.
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Yeah, and vice versa.
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That's right, yeah, yeah, vice versa, girl.
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I was pretty Okay.
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All right, I dare.
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00:12:04.392 --> 00:12:24.510
Abigail had to put up with more for me than I had to put up with I dare say that's correct I dare say, I dare say, especially in, like my super saved years, I'm still super safe, oh okay, but I got sanctified, I got sanctified in it and I don't think, you know, I think that that's something.
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I think that people think sanctified means sanctimonious okay, that me being more sanctified means that I appear and I show up more holy and more righteous.
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That's good in a way that is um churchy.
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Yeah, you know, I think people think sanctified equals churchy.
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Or arrogant, or like you know yeah, or like untouchable, right, right.
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Sanctification is really humbling because it is the realization.
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The real process of sanctification will bring you to the point where you realize, one, I'm not as good as I thought I was, that's right.
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And two, I can't do it without the Lord and without the people he supplied me with 100%.
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That's sanctification.
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Sanctification is when you're talking about being put in the fire and all your dirt and stuff, all your impurities coming to the top.
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You got to face that stuff.
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It doesn't just get wiped off.
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And now you're like now I'm perfect.
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It gets wiped off and you're like I am capable of having darkness inside of me, of having dirt inside of me.
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That's right, and all of this can happen again.
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You don't get refined.
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And then you're like oh, and I'm good, I'm good, I'm forever good, I'm forever good.
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I never have to see that fire again.
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The Lord's like no, I made the surface good for this season, but you will go back.
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Let me tell you something.
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Middle adults, y'all know it.
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Okay, we, you thought a process was done and that last time you were going to have the experience that level of sanctification.
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No you're going to end up back in that fire.
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It's seasonal.
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You got a season of fire and a season of rest, so whichever one you're in, be glad they're in, but realize that fire is coming back, because there are always ways again, especially in relationships, that we can be made better.
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Well, and just to tag that, just as we, and then I'd love for you to share, you know yours.
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But, like you know the, what you just described also was just the relationship with God.
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So, like also, the relationship with God isn't going to be easy because of that Right.
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And so I think we grow up, I'll say I think I grew up believing that my relationship with God should be easy if I do everything right.
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That's not true, because, first of all, I'm not going to do everything right and, secondly, what I see is right is not always God's right.
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And so that process of understanding, that is part of that fire and I think it works both ways's it?
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It kind of it works both ways right, Vertically and horizontally, to God, your relationship with God and your relationship with other people.
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It is, it is a sanctifying process and it will refine you, and it will refine you over and over and over and over again.
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And so, yeah, I just, I think that was, I think that was good.
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Okay, what, what?
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What is it that you've had to unlearn from your kitchen table?
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Um, I think something that I really had to unlearn was that relationships required me to sacrifice my right to have needs and to be present in those relationships.
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I think that I, in every relationship I got in, I kind of tested out who that other person was.
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And when I say relationships, I'm talking friendships, I'm talking family relationships.
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I judged how I was going to show up in a relationship by what that person was asking for or needing.
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And so I went into every relationship saying, okay, what can I do for them that will make them want to be in a relationship, friendship, family, ship with me?
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What, what, what can I provide, what can I give, what can I sacrifice that will make this relationship work?
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And I think I did that through my teens, I think I did that through college years, I think I did that through my early 20s, and that was kind of the way that I built relationships.
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I went in saying, hey, what do you need?
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Who can I be for you?
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What can I give?
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And I remember I would tell people and it can be something so simple I would be sitting down watching a movie with a friend and they'd be like what do you want to watch?
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And I was like the little girl off of Coming to America.
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Whatever you like, yeah, yeah, you know well what you want to do this weekend.
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Whatever you like, yeah, and you know.
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And it got to a point and I would tell people oh yeah, I'm not picky, I'm not high maintenance, I don't have any preferences.
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You know, I'm go with the flow, I can do whatever anybody else is doing.
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But I really had to get to a point where I was like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, because you're about to get lost and nobody is even nobody's even going to know how to find you, because they don't really know you no-transcript.
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We feel like we are creating an environment where we'll never be alone by doing what you just said, but the truth is it's the loneliest place, because nobody really knows you.
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Nobody really knows you, and I think it's not only lonely, it is.
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There is a part of you that knows that, right, like it's not just that nobody else really knows you is that you haven't given yourself the chance to really know you.
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And so when people like those, when people ask me questions about myself and I don't know or something that kind of went to the tune of whatever you like, that was my genuine, authentic answer and I will tell you the honest truth.
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Some of it was because I got a little bit of the perfectionist in me, okay, I got.
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It's a little bit of her, just a little bit of her roaming around in me, okay, but I got.
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So I got so caught up in the fact that I had to perform, that I had to be this person that I thought everybody was depending on me to be, are expecting me to be, especially in, like, church world.
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Right, like I.
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I ran everything through the what will, what will the people think if I do this filter?
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You know like, what will the people think if I do this filter?
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You know like what will the people think if I say this or if I act this way?
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Now I am who I am Like you know, like, and so you know I'm not inauthentic, but I had to learn, like, how to make decisions that may not have been popular and they weren't even a big deal, but the pressure I was putting on myself to be who I thought other people were trying to get me to be was preventing me from being exactly who I am.
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And and allowing, and, and God can perfect who you're trying to be.
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That's right.
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He has to be able to see you, and then he can, and then you can hear the Lord on.
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This is what I'm requiring, instead of always trying to figure out what people are requiring.
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How did, how are you?
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How are you managing moving away from that?
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Um, I don't think you want to know the honest truth.
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I had to sit down and this is what really grew my relationship with the Lord and grew it past I'm a member of the church, you know.
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Grew it past, you know, I believe you know, and grew it to.
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I trust, I love, I hope, and really placing all of me in God was when God started to tell me who I am.
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God started telling me the stuff that nobody else was telling me about myself.
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Okay, right.
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And I remember there was a time I sat down on the couch and I was I mean, I was probably about this close to a level of depression in my life.
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I don't think I was depressed, but I think I was about that close, like one more straw, and I'd have been over that hump, right.
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And I remember I was sitting on the couch and the Lord told me Jaquita, write 10 things you love about yourself.
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And I got a piece of paper out and I wrote three and they were real basic.
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I was like I'm smart, I'm funny, I love people, and that was all I had.
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That was all I had and the Lord began filling my list because he began showing me who I was.
00:21:04.700 --> 00:21:14.009
You know I would wake up and I would hear God saying you know you're a teacher, you know you're an intercessor, you are in this part of the five-fold ministry.
00:21:14.009 --> 00:21:15.926
You are, you have these gifts.
00:21:15.926 --> 00:21:18.865
You can do this right, you're really good at this.
00:21:18.865 --> 00:21:27.861
And the Lord started affirming me and what I was looking for people to do, which they never really did, what I was looking for people to do.
00:21:27.861 --> 00:21:43.141
I allowed God to do that in my life and it opened up a realm of my understanding and experience that really allowed me to grow, not just in relationship with God, but it helped me to love who I am.
00:21:44.282 --> 00:21:45.625
How many do you think you can write today?
00:21:46.988 --> 00:21:52.603
Oh child, I think you know that's such a funny question.
00:21:52.603 --> 00:21:52.963
You know cause?
00:21:52.963 --> 00:21:56.941
It'd be like girl, I can write a book about you there's too much.
00:21:56.941 --> 00:21:58.163
There's too much, you know.
00:21:58.163 --> 00:22:08.519
I think that I, I think that I can write the things that I appreciate about myself and I can celebrate those things.
00:22:08.519 --> 00:22:13.372
I think the point wasn't you know, write down all your good qualities.
00:22:13.372 --> 00:22:14.000
It was.
00:22:14.000 --> 00:22:16.608
What are you celebrating about the life that I gave you?
00:22:16.749 --> 00:22:17.510
Yeah, yeah.
00:22:18.743 --> 00:22:27.267
And I think I could write a book about celebrating god's goodness that's good, quita, that's good.
00:22:27.948 --> 00:22:33.727
So the reason I asked that, um, well, because I'm, I'm, I want to, I want to switch gears.
00:22:33.727 --> 00:22:40.525
Since it is it is valentine's week, let's talk a little bit about the like, specifically about, you know, romance, you know that kind of thing.
00:22:40.525 --> 00:22:45.611
So, um, I'll kind of combine two into one.
00:22:45.611 --> 00:23:01.701
Um that I think, relate to the importance of what you just said, of um, understanding and celebrating who you are and celebrating what God says about you and not what others, not what not looking for others to do it.
00:23:01.701 --> 00:23:25.182
Um, and so two things that I feel like I've had to unlearn about relationships is, um, that I had to unlearn that, uh, chemistry and compatibility are the most important things, are the most important things.
00:23:25.201 --> 00:23:36.787
Commitment and character are so, but that's hard, because we have grown up in a society that says chemistry, how it makes, how they make me feel you know, you know how we, how we connect, right, those kinds of things.
00:23:36.787 --> 00:23:37.387
You see that in movies, right?
00:23:37.387 --> 00:23:38.288
Those kinds of things.
00:23:38.288 --> 00:23:39.671
You see that in movies.
00:23:39.671 --> 00:23:56.482
I mean, every single Disney movie gave you that it's so funny because, no, there's no Disney movie that explores what happens after the first kiss Hold on, or very few, Right?
00:23:56.482 --> 00:23:57.487
No, no, they really don't.
00:23:57.487 --> 00:23:59.587
It's the that's the climax.
00:23:59.980 --> 00:24:02.819
Cinderella ended Snow White ended with a kiss, aladdin, you know.
00:24:02.880 --> 00:24:03.121
00:24:03.161 --> 00:24:05.862
Beauty ended with a kiss, it's all.
00:24:05.862 --> 00:24:06.384
It's all.
00:24:06.384 --> 00:24:08.573
Like you know, I mean, aladdin has sequels though.
00:24:08.573 --> 00:24:10.484
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but but come on, let's be real.
00:24:10.484 --> 00:24:32.126
I mean, who's really checking for, you know, return of Jafar, you know, okay, I, I mean, you know, we watch them but we don't really remember them, right, but like I think that that it's, it's, that's the climax, the connection, the chemistry, right, and so we kind of we.
00:24:32.126 --> 00:24:34.913
Thank you, joy.
00:24:34.913 --> 00:24:48.442
I'm sorry producer Joy is in the chat now, she did know.
00:24:48.461 --> 00:25:07.955
You know, princess, and the frog did start with the kiss and it went sideways, but I don't think we really got into the depth of their relationship right after it got, after it got serious right disney is not like hey, we want to show y'all marriage, no, we want to show you the love story yeah, like and and and, really what leads up to the love story, because the love story doesn't start until the end of the movie.
00:25:07.955 --> 00:25:11.666
And I think, and and truly like, because I don't.
00:25:11.666 --> 00:25:14.173
You can't test love without commitment.
00:25:14.173 --> 00:25:16.519
Right, wait a minute.
00:25:16.519 --> 00:25:22.883
Yeah you can't you can't test love without commitment, and so we've been ingrained in this society.
00:25:22.883 --> 00:25:27.659
I think I want y'all to write that down you can't test love without commitment.
00:25:27.679 --> 00:25:30.986
Somebody needed that amen, it's the truth.