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hello everybody and welcome once again to the unlearned podcast.
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I am your host with abigail aka ra what's up, friends?
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It's your girl, jaquita and this is the podcast that is helping you to gain the courage to change your mind so you can experience more freedom.
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And yes, yes, yes, we have a special guest not her first time on the podcast.
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What's up, megan?
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Megan was like when do I say my name?
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Do I say it now?
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Do I say it right now.
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I love it so good to be here, oh, yay, okay.
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So we're excited.
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So this, yeah.
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So, like you all know, we're in kitchen table conversations and so we invited Megan to join us for this one, and I'm just going to kind of let her, because I am who I am, you know what I mean.
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Me and Megan have been friends for a long time.
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She's so trifling Wow, it was very petty.
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She's so trifling Wow, it was very petty.
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I am who I am means I'm trifling.
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Go ahead, Meg.
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I'm telling the story.
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I just get a text message and it's like hey, me and Queeter are doing this series.
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We want you to be on the podcast, but you have to commit before I tell you what the topic is going to be.
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And I'm like that sucks Signing up for, but you're my friend, so like that's just what we do.
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We say yes.
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And then she was like okay, well, we're going to talk about race.
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And I was like, oh, yeah, I would like to say as a member of the Unlaunched podcast, I am not at all represented.
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Okay, in the way that Ruth Abigail chose to approach poor Megan.
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She mentioned you're white, me and Queda both know you.
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That's crazy and I'm like I'm pretty sure you both know at least two white people.
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I know you know more than one, but then it makes sense like maybe I'm the only one you guys know together.
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Who's like we've all spent time together like this it makes sense.
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It gets crazier and crazier it gets crazier and crazier, I mean it's just getting worse and worse, so Ruth Abgo's like I need a white, I need a white technically I'm Olive and I don't subscribe to the white, but I'm just kidding.
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I'm just kidding everyone.
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That was a joke.
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I'll do it was hilarious.
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That is hilarious.
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Yes, so just teasing, so yeah that's why we're here that's why we're here, guys, welcome.
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All right, so we're talking about, we're gonna tackle this, this issue of race, and yes, it is true, I did do that.
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Yes, it is true that jaquita had nothing to do with it, so her name is totally cleared I didn't approve megan though oh yeah, megan, she did, yeah, yeah, she just didn't approve the way I did it, but um, I thought she had a little more class.
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I don't know the goal was to get it done.
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Okay, got it done there it is but in all seriousness I do this.
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This is a.
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This could be a tense topic.
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We know that.
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We realize that we're tackling something that is not often tackled and when it is not often tackled well, and so I mean, it's true, like a lot of people don't know how to talk about race well, I mean, that's real um, and a lot of times we don't talk about it with um, with other people, with people who have a different race.
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I mean the reality, like at least I don't sound about y'all, but like on podcasts I rarely see rarely, not that I haven't seen at all, but but rarely see for people of different races on the same podcast at all, to be honest with you, and then talking about race on a podcast that isn't rooted in one educating the other, right this?
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is not what this is.
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We are not here to educate Megan on how to be a nice white person.
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That's not what this is about.
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No-transcript, not to be upset, not to get like we're not, but it really is to learn how to have these healthy, real, um, raw, uh, tense, uh, sometimes difficult, but can be very healing conversations, right, um, and the whole goal of this and of the podcast is to help us change our minds, like, so we got to change our minds about how we actually approach this topic.
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And, um, megan is, she is a great friend of mine, um, and you know, I trust her and we really are.
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It's one of those things, like, when she calls me to do some, I don't ask much many questions.
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The answer is probably going to be yes, and because we, just because we have a relationship and I think, like just opening up the conversation, like you know me, meg, we were talking earlier relationship is such a central key to this.
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I mean we wouldn't be on this podcast together doing this if we didn't have a relationship.
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Yeah, you know, for sure.
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So how has I'll just kind of open up the question just like you know how has relationship played a role in your relations, with your connections with different races growing up?
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You want to go first, sure.
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You know.
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So I grew up kind of in the military.
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My dad got in the military right before I was born and so we kind of moved from state to state and then we moved out the country.
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I started school in Germany, was over there for four years and as we like kind of opened up this conversation, I was thinking about the first time I realized I was black and it was in the first grade.
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I was in the first grade At the time.
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My best friend, her name, was Jenna Okay, I don't know where you at, jenna, but hey, girl, but at the time, first grade, my first best friend, her name was Jenna, and I had another best friend too and Jenna was mixed.
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And then my other best friend I can't really remember her name because it was first grade, but let's just call her Mariana because I think it was something close to that.
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Wow, but she was, she was Hispanic and that was my crew, like when I went to school.
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It was me, jenna and Mariana.
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So sorry, mariana, I know that's not your name, but but we best friend anyways.
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I mean, it was first grade, I was six, I got okay.
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But I remember one day on the playground, you know, jenna was very, very fair-skinned um, and I remember we used to play every day on the playground.
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I knew I was gonna go outside and I was gonna play with jenna oh, that's why I don't remember her name.
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Baby left, she left in the middle of the year.
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There you go.
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We didn't really get to bond.
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There it is.
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So it was me and Jenna for a while.
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And then one day I went to the playground and Jenna was hanging out with some white friends and I was like, okay, so I guess I'm going to join this crew.
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And Jenna came up to me and she said you know, jaquita, we don't have to hang out all the time.
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And I was like, oh, so I'm not good enough to hang with you and your new friends.
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Oh, wow, and that literally was.
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That literally broke something in me, because it made me feel like I was like oh, I don't know that I can, like in a, in a real way, have friendships with people from different races, because I wasn't.
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I was good enough when she wanted to be friends, but I wasn't good enough when she wanted to hang out with her white friends.
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So eventually I found the, I found my black friends and they were like you know, they were like you belong here.
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You know, like you were always supposed to be here.
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And so it took me a while to kind of like navigate through having relationships with different people, because that really broke my heart at a young age and it set a precedence that like when you go into, because as an army kid you were always in new situations.
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You know, like we moved back to the United States.
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I came back to school and I was like, ok, who's going to be my friends?
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And then immediately you go, you start navigating toward people that that look like you, but on the army base.
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It wasn't like that until I had that experience.
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And I didn't know that.
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Queda, that's a new story.
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I didn't know that that happened.
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I feel like Joy knew that.
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Wow, I don't know how to feel about that.
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Cause I feel like I've told you this story and you just forgot it.
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No, I've never heard that story.
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Not that.
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No, I really haven't Like um, but like that would be, uh, very defining, like I you know that's a very defining moment I mean and this is not to say I just want to clear the air this is not to say that growing up I didn't have friends from different races, I absolutely did, but I'm saying it put this natural inclination in me that said you might get rejected, yeah.
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Like a pause.
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Yeah, Like a pause, Like hey, am I cool enough for you?
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Am I smart enough for you?
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Am I like?
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I felt like I had to prove something in order to go into those other spaces, Whereas I felt more like I was already.
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There was already a place at the table for me, at the black table.
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I had to.
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I had to either prove that I was going to be like you know, safe and acceptable I had to be extra funny or I had to be extra smart, Like I had to find something that would make me click in that space.
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Yeah, I, um, I grew up in a interesting situation.
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My school situation was, um, I was the only black kid in my class up to the eighth grade and um, and you know, none of my teachers were ever, uh, were black.
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I just did.
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That's just not what my.
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That wasn't my education.
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So five days out the week I was surrounded by white people Like it was just a part of that was just how I grew up and then on Sundays I went to an all-black church and so Sundays and Wednesdays and Sunday nights, so I mean you know we were there and so, but like it, I had a very my experience with another race was with white people specifically was because we were at was at a private school.
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At that school there was a lot of people of means and wealth.
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My understanding was white people are a lot of.
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I'm not going to say they all were this, but in my mind, just as a kid, white people are smart and white people are rich.
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Yeah, but I think that's.
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Can I interrupt?
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I think that is.
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I think that's such a valuable statement of like as a kid, which is why it's so important like to start having these conversations when kids are little, because they don't have the ability to like abstract, think Like to them it is like oh this is how I felt, this is what this meant, and I think we like grow up just associating that, like that's what that meant.
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Whether or not maybe someone actually meant for you to feel rejected or not.
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Like that's besides the point.
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Like kids don't have the ability to do deductive thinking, yeah, yeah.
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Like that is what's true.
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Yes, yeah.
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Yeah, and, and you go about life like that and, like you said, you form philosophies around that Like, and you know, and so it was like all right, so I have to be.
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I'm not I mean, we're not wealthy, I can't do anything about that but I could do something about being smart.
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So I was like well, I guess I'm just going to have to be smart, and and and I.
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I think that was just, it was something, even if I'm saying it out loud, I don't know that I actually I could for sure.
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No, I did not.
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I was not conscious of that, like, but in my mind it was.
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I have to perform academically at a level that makes it make sense that I'm here.
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You know, um, and my uh, and what I'm grateful for is I'm grateful for this.
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I'm grateful that I had a balance in my life, um, where my, my, my church world and just my family were very affirming in you.
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Being black is, um, something to be proud of.
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This is our history.
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This is why this is you know, you, and, and, and.
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So I was affirmed in those ways grow all at the same time.
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I was experiencing this other thing and I think as a, because most of a child's life is within their academic space.
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That took precedent in my mind until I got older.
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You know what I mean.
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So, like the things I was affirmed of in my home, at church, I didn't really internalize that deeply until I got older and I got out of that and I began to experience, um, and went till I got to college, really, and like that's when everything shifted and I started to see the world from the different lens of like, oh, like, oh, shoot, like I'm.
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This is not what I thought it was, uh, and I and I had, I had to, I had to unlearn, and I had to unlearn that what I was experiencing at home was the same as what I've experienced when I left.
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Like that it wasn't the same and that's why I'm grateful for the counterbalance of my home and my church, because it gave me something I didn't know I needed when I left and I had to stand on my own in, uh, in a sea of other indifference that that did not know who I was you know, I'm saying like um, and so it did impact.
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how I began my relationships.
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I had my relationships with um, with my friends at school, was just because we were at school, like that was, that was my you know, and they happened to be white Like I didn't think anything of it.
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But when I went to college and I and I approached white people like I would have approached them in high school or in elementary school where I grew up, it did not transfer like white folks did not, did not accept me like that, like I still, I felt othered and I was like, hold on, I've never felt like this, like I've never.
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I never like felt that that strong and it and it redefined how I approached my relations with white people.
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Interesting, if I'm being honest.
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Like that was, yeah, it just redefined it, um, because I was like, oh, got it, so that was a.
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My experience was like a it's like I mean, it truly wasn't a bubble, and now the bubbles burst and okay, cool, cool, I didn't, I didn't know.
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Now I know, yeah, yeah.
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What about you?
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It's interesting.
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I don't necessarily have, I mean, when I was little.
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I don't have any stories like that necessarily.
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I just remember like race was, it just wasn't a topic of conversation.
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I think the main conversation was just like you treat everyone the same, you don't see color, we all bleed the same, and I don't necessarily think that's bad information, but we just didn't.
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It was like if you said black, it's like don't say black and you're like, okay, why can't I say black?
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You know, my elementary school and middle school, like I was probably, honestly, I think it was pretty equal diversity wise.
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I think that was the area I lived in and I just it wasn't until I got to college that I was genuinely confused that like people I was eating dinner with didn't have black friends.
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Like that just didn't make sense to me.
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But I, while being in friendships with black people, I still had the mindset of like we don't see color, like I don't know if I ever valued them for being black.
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It was just, you know, I was just there I did, in high school, date a black guy and we would go to some of his family's house and I remember one time I don't think this like I don't know what the significance of it was in the moment, but I was like very aware of like the conversations that being had about white people behind closed doors.
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Um, yeah.
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And they just are a thing Like and I remember one time trying to bring a cake over to like one of the family functions and it wasn't good and I remember being made so much fun of I'm so sorry.
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I'm so sorry oh no, oh, girl oh man, and so I think like the only way that that really oh girl, oh man.
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And so I think like the only way that that really impacted me was like oh, white people can't cook, really can't cook, and the seasoning like super bland, it did kind of pause.
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I didn't cook for a very long time.
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I'm just now kind of starting to start cooking again.
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But you gotta just let it roll.
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You gotta let it roll off you know right, listen it was.
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It wasn't until I was like in homes of people that I realized, like, what conversations were actually happening that definitely weren't happening in my household.
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If it wasn't for those experiences, I'm not sure I really would have understood the conversations in general yeah, yeah, yeah no, I think that's so interesting because I feel like it.
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You coming into black spaces where you're the other like, even though it was, like you know, like a cake, like they're still like this.
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Okay, a, I now have to perform for this other side or I have to show up in a way, like I think you know one.
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It's a human need, like everybody wants to feel accepted, you know, and we want to feel, um, we want to feel like we have a place in the spaces that we show up, but when we are our, our living spaces I think that's so interesting because me and Ruth were talking about, like, educational spaces- yeah, but when you?
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go when you go into each other's homes.
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I'm like I told somebody recently I was like you know, just because we 100 on this podcast.
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I was like, and you know, just because we 100 on this podcast, I was like I don't really, I don't really know that I know what the inside of a white couple's home is like, like I don't know what the feel of it is like.
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Like how do we talk to the kids?
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Is it like hey, you better sit down somewhere, or is it like hey?
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Johnny, are we gentle parenting?
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I don't know, you know like Child, no gentle parenting I don't know Black people gentle parenting now too.
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Honey, it's a mix.
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It's mixed out here for everybody, for everybody.
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Okay, parenting is a whole nother bag right now.
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It is not what it was when we were growing up, but you know, like I don't know what, like dinner conversations look like, because I've never been invited into those spaces, and so when you don't get invited into those spaces now granted, in high school I did, but it was a white guy who had a lot of black friends, and so we all used to be over there, shout out to Michael, but we and he, he, he was, uh, anyways, that's neither here nor there.
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But I don't, I don't have a lot of context for what's happening in intimate spaces with with, you know, white people, and so that's something that.
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But it's something that I'm like curious about.
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You know, like it's something that I'm like I feel like we could build better relationships with each other If we had more, if there were more invitations into vulnerable spaces you know, invitations to the cookout, if you will.
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You know like you need to be in those vulnerable spaces in order for there to ever be a bridge, because without that, we're all just playing in the.
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You know like when we you're not, you're not really yourself when you step outside your house you know you are putting on some type of performance when I go to work.
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I'm giving them, hey guys how was your weekend?
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I'll be on the phone.
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I'll be on the phone with when she be walking in, sometimes to to work and I tell you what that's, that flip boy?
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we all do it we all do it first of all.
00:21:03.833 --> 00:21:06.037
First of all, I'm friendly.
00:21:06.037 --> 00:21:07.180
That's because I'm friendly.
00:21:07.180 --> 00:21:13.982
I'm friends with you, but I'm friendly, okay, with my work right now you ain't, so I talk to them in a friendly voice.
00:21:14.064 --> 00:21:18.401
You get whatever comes out I don't get friendly, that uh, that ain't, but it's so.
00:21:18.401 --> 00:21:18.602
00:21:18.602 --> 00:21:25.428
But to your point, though, the flip is so quick, it's, it's a natural, because you're right, we don't, we perform.
00:21:25.428 --> 00:21:29.510
I mean, that's, we're on, we're performing outside of our house, like that's real.
00:21:29.550 --> 00:21:33.435
Yeah, the space you're walking into is going to dictate how you interact with it.
00:21:33.435 --> 00:21:49.319
Yes, right, like I don't even think about it, I walk into that space and I'm like, oh yeah, this worked, jaquita, you know I.
00:21:49.339 --> 00:21:49.540
Like if.
00:21:49.540 --> 00:21:51.563
I, if we had friends more diverse friends that we were spending more intimate time with, could we?
00:21:51.583 --> 00:21:52.703
start taking off some of these faces, yeah, and some stuff.
00:21:52.703 --> 00:21:57.630
Like I think some stuff has to be approached with some lightheartedness, you know.
00:21:57.630 --> 00:22:07.044
Like I think it's OK to say that, like white people season differently than black people, like we, don't accept all stereotypes.
00:22:07.044 --> 00:22:15.634
I mean, that's sometimes, that's really true, you know um, it's pretty true it's not just a stereotype just right and like vulnerabilities.
00:22:16.435 --> 00:22:18.862
Nobody just wants to be wrong and be embarrassed.
00:22:18.862 --> 00:22:29.339
So it's like if you can just be okay with, like maybe I did say the wrong thing, I think the art of like reconciling something is lost a little.
00:22:29.339 --> 00:22:34.049
It's like if I offended you or if I said something that wasn't okay.
00:22:34.049 --> 00:22:35.712
Like please tell me.
00:22:35.712 --> 00:22:39.882
And then also like, just make it right, but we don't.
00:22:39.882 --> 00:22:40.082
00:22:40.082 --> 00:22:46.246
The conflict is such a like that's a hard thing for people and people want to avoid it and they don't want to deal with it.
00:22:46.246 --> 00:22:53.846
But real healing comes from when you have hard confrontation conversations and there's a resolve at the end of it.
00:22:54.287 --> 00:22:57.430
Yes, you're like man it really wasn't that bad.
00:22:57.430 --> 00:23:08.048
It's just bigger in our heads for good reason like social media and the media like it makes it almost impossible to want to even attempt to do something hard.
00:23:08.048 --> 00:23:16.492
And I'm not even talking about just white and black people having conversations like there's a lot of pressure, but there is um.
00:23:16.492 --> 00:23:24.067
Dealing with conflict is like just a lost art yeah, I, I think I.
00:23:24.106 --> 00:23:27.131
I just want to go back to something you were saying earlier.
00:23:27.131 --> 00:23:35.345
Well, both of y'all, which is, you know, bringing up the intimate space piece and just like being in each other's vulnerable spaces or intimate spaces.
00:23:35.345 --> 00:23:37.191
And, megan, I think it's a great point what you make.
00:23:37.191 --> 00:23:45.921
We just like the experience of being in a home and that which is different than being in, you know, educational environments.
00:23:45.921 --> 00:23:49.884
It's very different, right, and so church or church like it's very different.
00:23:49.884 --> 00:23:58.012
And so I, um, I think that no, no, no, where'd it go?
00:23:58.012 --> 00:23:58.613
Where'd it go?
00:23:59.013 --> 00:24:16.603
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no it is um but, but I think I think my, my overarching point was how uh, oh, there was, I got it.
00:24:16.603 --> 00:24:32.355
So in those spaces you were saying megan, megan, you noticed, you recognized we don't talk about Black people the way Black people talk about white people in their homes, and it's really, I think that's so interesting.
00:24:32.355 --> 00:24:34.931
It's like no, no, no, we don't talk about that versus.
00:24:34.931 --> 00:24:37.676
I mean, in my home we talked about it.
00:24:37.676 --> 00:24:40.343
We talked about it from a standpoint of learning.
00:24:41.589 --> 00:24:42.171
In my home we talked about it.
00:24:42.171 --> 00:24:55.853
We talked about it from a standpoint of learning and education, and I need to show you and teach you and you need to be aware of, and you know, all these different things and it's true, like I mean, I am grateful for that and you know, and I think also just for a.
00:24:55.853 --> 00:25:02.395
It also defined, I think, safe space right, and it does a lot of Black homes.
00:25:02.395 --> 00:25:21.401
It's like you have to deal with being the minority everywhere else, but in your safe spaces, and for Black people throughout history, most of that has been the home and the church, and so those are spaces where we get to talk about what it's like being out here with white people.
00:25:22.530 --> 00:25:24.699
White people don't necessarily have that same.
00:25:24.699 --> 00:25:27.978
Well, let me say I mean you and your case and we're not.